Trucking and Logistics

How the Trucking Industry Delivers For Canadians

The trucking industry is a backbone of the Canadian economy. You may not realize it, but you likely purchase goods and services every day that are only available thanks to the trucking industry. Without the regular, reliant supply of necessary equipment and supplies via trucks, a lot of what we come to depend on would be inaccessible or difficult to find. Curious about just how much Canadians depend on our trucking system? Here are six impactful ways the trucking industry delivers for Canadians. 

1. Food and Beverage Delivery

Canada is a massive country with a diverse landscape from one region to the next, which means we can cultivate many different crops. Canada grows and produces large quantities of wheat, apples, blueberries, maple syrup, mustard seed, potatoes, tomatoes – to name just a few crops. Not to mention the amount of food and delivery we can’t grow locally and need to export in. And, the most cost-efficient way to disperse our food and beverages, whether grown nationally or shipped in from elsewhere, is with trucks. 

The pricing and availability of food and beverages in our grocery stores rely on a steady stream of trucks making deliveries across provinces, the country, and the border. Without this transportation system in place, we would see a lot less variety in our grocery stores throughout the year. 

2. A Relationship With the US

The United States is Canada’s leading trading partner, accounting for two-thirds of all Canadian trade. And a lot of this trading is done with cross-border shipping via the trucking industry. 

Approximately 30,000 trucks cross the Canada-US border every day, carrying more than $1 billion in goods. In 2020, the main export categories from the US to Canada were machinery, vehicles, electrical machinery, mineral fuels, and plastics. 

The benefits of having such a free-flowing cross-border shipping industry have been undeniable. The United States produces and manufactures a lot more goods and materials than Canada. However, the ability to have these items delivered via truck has kept items available and costs low. 

3. Connecting Canada to the Rest of the World

Of course, the United States isn’t the only partner Canada trades with. Canad’s top exports are crude and refined petroleum, cars, gold, and vehicle parts. And, it’s top trading partners are the US, China, the UK, Japan, and Mexico. These international exports create thousands of jobs and stimulate the Canadian economy. And, trading on a global scale wouldn’t be possible without the truck drivers who work hard transferring these goods and materials every day. After all, while many goods are shipped by rail or sea, they ultimately need a truck to take things to their final destination. 

4. Transportation of Building Materials

Canada has a considerable building materials sector both nationally and internationally. Within the country, the housing market has consistently seen a huge demand for many decades. Builders can’t build spaces fast enough and rely on the trucking industry for quick, well-priced deliveries of building materials. 

On an international scale, Canada is a major exporter of building materials. Canada’s forest industry is a global leader in producing softwood lumber, wood pulp, and wood pellets. The country’s forest exports include trade with the US ($22 billion), China ($5 billion), East Asia ($2 billion), Europe ($1 billion), South and Southeast Asia ($982 million), Oceania and Pacific Islands ($587 million), Latin American and Caribbean ($518 million), and Africa and West Asia ($168 million). 

The transfer of these building materials to their destinations wouldn’t be possible without the trucking industry. Without the trucks available for transport and delivery, an entire primary sector of Canada’s economy would be crumpled. 

5. The Delivery of Essential Medical Supplies

One of the major industries the trucking industry supports is the healthcare system. Trucks are responsible for the shipment and delivery of vital medical supplies across the country. This is true any time but was particularly highlighted during COVID-19. During the pandemic, truck drivers were labelled essential workers for all that they do to keep the medical system running by delivering crucial medical supplies. This industry works hard to keep the supply chain moving, and many truck drivers put themselves at risk during the pandemic to provide medical supplies they know would save lives.

6. Providing Everyday Dry Goods

Lastly, as we mentioned at the beginning of this post, the trucking industry is a major player in transporting and delivering dry goods for Canadians. Dry goods refer to various merchandise, including food, clothing, fabric, and more. Imagine if you could only buy things made in a 25-kilometre radius. While it’s nice to shop local, this would be an extremely limited experience for basic needs for food, clothing, and other goods. Thanks to the trucking industry, Canadians have access to more options at affordable prices and don’t have to wait very long to get them. 

Without the trucking industry, Canadians would have very different lives. The goods and services that we want, need, and rely on would simply be less available and more expensive. 


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