Trucking and Logistics

BC Exports the Most Goods to These 5 Countries

Have you ever wondered which countries BC exports the most goods to around the world? There are plenty of BC-origin goods that make their way to far corners of the globe, but you might be surprised to learn that over 50% of BC’s exports go straight to one country – though the country itself may not surprise you. At Dolphin Delivery we move goods across BC daily and offer cross-border shipping to the USA, so we can attest to the volume of BC exports reaching our friends to the south on a daily basis. 

Here’s a look at the 5 countries that BC exports the most goods to around the world. 

1. The United States

Percentage of BC origin exports that ship to the USA: 55.3%

In 2020 55.3% of all BC origin goods leaving the province internationally were shipped directly south to the USA. Wood, pulp and paper, foods such as fruits, vegetables, and fish, and minerals are some of the top BC exports that head to the USA. 

Though several trucking companies in BC ship goods to the USA, few have Dolphin Delivery’s customer satisfaction ratings and reviews. Always trust a reputable cross-border shipping company when moving goods to and from the USA. 

2. Mainland China

Percentage of BC origin exports that ship to Mainland China: 14.4%

Softwood lumber, pulp, copper, and motor vehicles and parts are some of the top exports from BC to Mainland China. As our second-largest trading partner, they receive many exports from BC daily. 

3. Japan

Percentage of BC origin exports that ship to Japan: 8.9%

The breakdown of BC origin exports to Japan is very similar to what’s being shipped to China, except in one major way that you could probably guess: Japan has a thriving auto industry, and thus requires fewer cars and car parts from BC than China does. 

4. South Korea

Percentage of BC origin exports that ship to Korea: 5.3%

With Pacific Rim countries taking up three spots on this list of where BC exports the most goods to, it’s easy to see why two of the top five largest major ports in Canada are located in BC. 

5. India

Percentage of BC origin exports that ship to India: 2.4%

Rounding out our list with 2.4% of BC’s exports is India. Maybe the most challenging to get to of the five countries on our list, India is most interested in BC’s mineral products (copper) and energy products (coal). 

These five countries round out our list of where BC exports the most goods internationally. We’ve been shipping goods to the US from Canada for decades, managing fuel efficiency to keep shipping costs down. Speak to our logistics team to learn more about transporting goods with Dolphin Delivery. Contact us today

Data source


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